Eco Warriors: to the rescue!
Delighted to give you a sneak peek at my newest picture book with the National Library of Australia - Eco Warriors: to the rescue! I absolutely loved working on this book - in which I wrote, came up with the layout/design concept for, researched and photographed.
I can't even tell you what a thrill it was to be able to combine my love of photography and book layout in this book. I so loved it. While I did the main layout and design, the wonderful Amy from the NLA was the finessing designer on this book and she also designed the cover and the addendum pages. I think she's done an amazing job.
I'll be doing presentations on this book during Book Week this year in Canberra, and I'll also be travelling with the book, so stay tuned for news on when and where.
Eco Warriors: to the rescue! will be out 1 August 2013 and will be available online at the NLA bookstore, and in shops Australia-wide.