Tania began her career writing for grown-ups, and has run workshops for adults on marketing, book promotion, social media networking and more. She also speaks to adults at events, libraries and writing festivals on themes ranging from publishing and writing to motivational topics. See ...
Upcoming talks and workshops
Tania has run a successful blog since 2007, featuring an enormous amount of content on themes such as travel, photography, crafts, gardening, baking, decorating and design, Christmas, and her popular kids' parties series of posts. See a list of blog post topics here and there is also a labels list in the right hand column of the blog.
My YouTube Channel
I've been fleshing out my YouTube channel these past months - featuring all things books. I take you through my extensive children's book collection, read books for kids, share book content with kids, and also chat about the book creation process for emerging talent. Check it out by clicking the image above, and be sure to like and subscribe!
Check out my Instagram feed for book purchases and reveals - and temptations from my extensive book collection. Click the image above.

kids' book review
For adults with a children's book obsession, be sure to see Kids' Book Review, which Tania founded in 2009, and is currently managed by author Dimity Powell.
KBR on Instagram
Kids' Book Review has a new Instagram feed! Check it out by clicking the image above, and give us a follow!
the happy book podcast
This children's book podcast focuses on the ins and outs of the children's book industry, as well as the creative process, with interviews/chats with other creators, and stacks of my own experience in the creation of picture books and non-fiction books in particular. Click the image below to see all chapters, and to listen.

52-week illustration challenge
Tania founded the 52-Week Illustration Challenge in 2014, she never
dreamed it would become what it has today. Now operating with around
5000 members, the Challenge is now in its third year and is now under
the direction of Kirsty Collett. Challenge members even exhibited for
Arts Brookfield in March 2015! Click the logo above for the Facebook
member page, and there is also a Facebook Community Page and a blog.

magazine contributions + columns
Tania has been an editor, columnist, features writer and contributing editor for a variety of magazines since 1988. Click the logo above for more.
Although she currently has a children's book focus, Tania has written several adult fiction books over the years, though she has never submitted them to publishers. Her published adult titles are listed below. Click the covers for more.

Beijing Tai Tai: life, laughter and motherhood in China's capital
(Exisle Publishing, $24.99, April 2012, 9781921966156)
I feel like everyone should know about Beijing Tai Tai ... it's the Eat Pray Love for mothers. - author Dee White

handmade living: a designer collective
(Handmade Press, A$39.95, Dec 2010, 9780980475043)
BUY Handmade Living for HALF PRICE at my store
You Name It
(Hodder Headline Australia, Nov 1995, out of print)

In 2014, Tania began revisiting her childhood/young adult love for illustration, and her very first self-illustrated picture book, Australia Illustrated, was released in November 2016. See some of her works right here.
teaching notes
You'll find teaching notes alongside each of Tania's books. Click on each one to access their link. These are wonderful for supplementing in-class teaching and also for use at home or for homeschooling. You'll find teaching notes for other books at Kids' Book Review, too.

ask tania
Tania's series of posts help new creators navigate their way through the kids' book industry. There are loads of topics covered. Click above poster for more.
juvenile literacy
Tania is passionate about juvenile literacy and has been involved in several programs. She was a territory ambassador for the National Year of Reading (2012), a Libraries ACT Reading Champion, a Friend of the Reading Hour, and regularly reads for National Simultaneous Storytime. She has been an ambassador for the ACT Chief Minister's Reading Challenge since 2016.
Tania is passionate about juvenile literacy and has been involved in several programs. She was a territory ambassador for the National Year of Reading (2012), a Libraries ACT Reading Champion, a Friend of the Reading Hour, and regularly reads for National Simultaneous Storytime. She has been an ambassador for the ACT Chief Minister's Reading Challenge since 2016.

resources for authors and illustrators
This series of in-depth author/illustrator resource posts are enormously helpful to those wanting an industry leg-up.
the fantastical flying creator
Oh how I wish this had been around when I was starting out. Tania McCartney is the real deal — she knows her stuff inside out. And what’s more, she shares her knowledge with grace, wit and unwavering enthusiasm. The Fantastical Flying Creator is a gift. Grab it! I cannot recommend it more highly. - author Jen Storer