High in a tree house live two very best friends. One is a girl and one is a dog. And everyone knows them as Evie and Pog.
Evie is six years old. She likes knitting and jumping and books and cake.
Pog is a pug. He is two and likes to drink tea and read the newspaper.
Evie and Pog also love to have fun! Join them in the first three books - Take Off!, Puppy Playtime! and Party Perfect!
See the end of this post for an online puzzle of the three covers and a tree house spread.

(February 2020, Angus&Robertson/HarperCollins, $12.99, paperback, 9781460757932)
Join Evie and Pog as they take off on three happy adventures - Puppy School Mess, School Play Drama and Cake Stall Chaos.
What people are saying...
An abundance of slapstick humour is sure to engage children and keep them reading while laughing out loud. Delightful illustrations, well-spaced text with individual word highlights and short, humorous chapters make this book an ideal transition from picture books to junior fiction. - Readings
I’ve said before that Tania McCartney is uber-talented... and I for one am tremendously excited about this new series pitched at newly independent readers. Each is chockers with Tania’s humorous and always endearing illustrations and loaded with onomatopoeia and a wonderful variety of fonts giving each an even more lively feel. - Just So Stories
The tone is quite zany and extremely imaginative while still being grounded in a familiar, safe, age-appropriate world where baking cupcakes and performing a school play provide plenty of excitement. Tania McCartney’s cheerful illustrations form a large part of the book, making it a good stepping stone between picture books and longer chapter books. - Books and Publishing Junior
In her first junior fiction series, Tania McCartney has created two delightful characters... They have lots of zany fun together and are good at solving problems in creative ways. Tania’s gorgeous illustrations are a highlight as they bring Evie and Pog’s adventures to life. - Wild About Books
This series is perfect for beginner readers, those who have a good grasp of the basics and are looking for chapter books that will take them to the next level. The illustrations are delightful. There is a wonderful floor plan of the treehouse at the start of the book to set the scene for young readers that could also inspire would-be architects to sit down and plan out their own dream tree house. - Better Reading Kids
If you were a teacher librarian who had the opportunity to request the perfect series to offer young readers... using all the support structures that such readers need... all crafted together in humorous adventures by someone who knows how to reach their target audience perfectly, then this new series by the versatile Tania McCartney would be the result. - The Bottom Shelf
Quirky, fun and unexpected, this zany series is chock-a-block full of bizarre storylines, effervescent imagery and positive outcomes that all add up to maximum entertainment. - Dim's Write Stuff

Evie and Pog Puppy Playtime!
(February 2020, Angus&Robertson/HarperCollins, $12.99, paperback, 9781460757949)
Evie and Pog just love to have fun. Join them, and some very cute puppies, on three more adventures - Reno Rumble, Classroom Contraption and Puppy Park!

(May 2020, Angus&Robertson/HarperCollins, $12.99, paperback, 9781460757956)
Evie and Pog love to seek out adventure! Join them on three more happy adventures - Puppy School Mess, School Play Drama and Cake Stall Chaos.

(20 April 2020, Angus&Robertson/HarperCollins, $19.95, MP3 CD 9781460780183/ Audio CD 9781460780176)
Evie and Pog love to seek out adventure! Join them on three more happy adventures - Puppy School Mess, School Play Drama and Cake Stall Chaos
Evie and Pog Series Teaching Notes
Activity Sheets for Kids
Evie and Pog covers puzzle - or click here to do
the enlarged version online.
Evie and Pog internal pages puzzle - or click here to do